Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Apparently, a single week of bad (a.k.a. almost NO) eating can REALLY set me back. (Marathon comic book course was intense-- little sleep, almost no food, lots of coffee and stresssssss).

Got my bf% taken yesterday. I have lost 4 lbs, and despite training for 3 weeks, that one week did its damage. This summer I'd gained 6 lbs muscle with help from Lyndsi at Genuine Fitness, my nuitrition coach, but then it all just WENT AWAY.

I'm back down to 118, but it gets worse... I GAINED 1% bodyfat, even though I haven't eaten any crap and have been hitting the gym. Now I may not always tear it up, but I always TRY to go as hard as I can, even if that means dragging through and feeling like crying because I'm so tired. 
(For some weird reason, I have been getting that at least 1/4 of the time no mater WHAT since I got over the initial "newbie gains" period --about 6 months into lifting for the first time, 5 years ago. But more lately. Ugh.) 

More puzzling is that the only real difference in the past few weeks, besides my "week off" which turned out to be for the worse, not for better is I haven't eaten any "free meals" of ice cream since my last day of training before that week... hmmm, maybe Prince Pucklers is anabolic?
Even if he's not a genius when it comes to the economy, he knows how to keep anabolic!
Anyway, a few lbs bodyfat, several lost lbs MUSCLE! Shows I can't even have a SECOND where I don't stay serious and expect great gains, must keep focused on the prize, always, no matter what. This de-comp  made me very upset, because now I feel like everything I worked for this summer was a waste. All the money, time, and sacrifice... but now I'm back to where I was a few months ago, with higher bodyfat!

Kinda makes me feel unmotivated (and skinny-fat... well 15% is skinny fat for me I guess haha), especially since I finally wanted to try a less "strict" plan, where I could eat a few meals a day and a few snacks instead of a "set" plan (e.g. no  bread (not even whole grain), no quinoa pasta, no cereal, hummus, dairy, eating out except for cheat meals at all, all with set macros).

Anyway, it's only been a week, but it makes me so frustrated, since I KNOW that the stricter plan will be unsustainable if I want to do well in school (and I still need several hours 4-5x/wk to hit the gym, of course!)

Sigh. Oh well.

Been doing push-pull-legs, 3 sets of 3 exercises per bodypart except calves/abs (calves 3 sets 20-25 reps, abs after my 1x/wk crossfit "HIT" and also 1-3 exercises on upper days). It's a Jim Stoppani, but maybe it just doesn't work for me?
Will probably do a new split, this isn't working, even if Stoppani is well knowledged (is that a word, even?) in bodybuilding.


Not feeling very motivated to do LEGS especially, so I dug up some pics of Madelene Bengtsson, a girl who is really motivational for me. Very strong, very LEAN, and clearly LOVES to be hardcore!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July 16, Monday:

So today was a rest day (except I compulsively did some pushups and jump squats for like 15-20 minutes, wtf was I thinking?)
I met with Lyndsi, my nutrition coach, and although my bf% went up to 14.1% from 13.38%, she tells me that's okay, and being so lean all the time is not necessarily the most healthy thing. As long as I'm still gaining lean mass, we're okay.*sigh* It's not easy to do when the second my abs start getting soft I become convinced I am skinny-obese.

Yesterday, I had a stomach ache most of the day, so I didn't eat much until about 9 pm, in which I had my other 4 meals (ate about 1/3 of a bag of broccoli-- 32 oz-- microwave-crispy! + 4 ounces of a mix of tuna and chicken breast). NExt 4 meals were:

Chicken (4oz)
Broccoli, other 2/3 of the 32 oz bag stir-fried nonfat with Pace, soy sauce, a little sweet n low, and sraicha added to the pan (plus veggie broth so I didn't burn the pan).

Salmon (2 oz) and albacore tuna (2 oz) mixed together and defrosted,
1 can + 10 oz frozen spinach, crispy-microwaved to give it a toasty texture :)

Chicken breast (3 oz)
2 egg whites
Another 1.5 cups of the same broccoli (stir-fried as above-- made a lot of it)
Dijon mustard

Eggwhites (8)
2 tsp fish oil
1/2 tsp coconut oil

Plus a fair amount of Extra-- I love chewing gun-- and liquids consisting of tea + no cal sweetener and sugar free kool-aid.

I'm thinking lower power for Tuesday... kind of taken from Layne Norton and modified.

Oh, I am also supposed to work on my posture, shoulders back, not slouching. Apparently that'll help my appearance :)